Sunday, August 03, 2014

Question to the FBI:

Question to the FBI:
Once a Syrian come back from a trip to Turkey , even if his trip was for a honey moon, the FBI would visit him trying to see if he had any contact with anyone fighting for freedom. Today, the Israeli Americans publicly announce that they are going to fight the besieged Palestinians in Gaza.  They are posting their pics on their sites with their military uniforms and full combat gear.  Even CNN had full report about them and had interviewed some of them.  
My question is:  Is the FBI going to meet with them and consider them as a threat to our National Security once they come back?


سؤال للإف بي آي: 
ما إن يعود السوري من زيارة لتركيا ولو كانت من أجل شهر عسل إلا وتزوره الإف بي أي لتسأله عن علاقاته بالثوار ،  اليوم يقف الإسرائيليين الأمريكان بصورهم وعتادهم العسكري ليعلنوا أنهم ذاهبون ليشاركوا بحصار غزة.  حتى السي إن إن عملت مقابلات مع عدد منهم. 
سؤالي:  هل ستقوم الإف بي آي لتلتقي بهم وتعتبرهم كتهديد للأمن القومي عندما يعودون. 

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