Thursday, August 07, 2014

Obama! Stop screwing up please.

A year ago, I said to Jerome MacDonald in an interview on Chicago Public Radio(
" In the next 50 years we are going to track back many of the US foreign affair issues to the presidency of Mr. Obama." 

Let it be known that Obama is taking the side of the Dictators and the Iranian against the people in the Muslim World.  Fellow Americans, one day we will hear the question asked again: "Why they hate us?"
Anyway, that was the position of most of US administrations in the past.  However, this president, for three and half year not only did not help, he actively prevents a serious assistance to reach our revolution.  All the problem of Iraq today is due to his in active.  Syrians never asked for military intervention.  All what we wanted is to be able to buy arms to defend ourselves against a regime that is committing genocide acknowledged by United nations.   

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